What kind of Launcher are you? Click each category to find out.
Category 1 Launchers want to launch their own business and are entirely excited about the prospect of it all. They believe in the ownership of their life and possess an entrepreneurial spirit. While they are supportive and admiring of people that start their own business, they are not sure of what they can do, what they want to do, and have absolutely no idea of or not a good grasp of what their gifts, abilities, and talents are and even moreso how to monetize any of it.
Category 2 Launchers have the experience, knowledge, skill, passion, and desire to launch their own business. Still, they don’t know how to execute their vision, how to protect their idea(s), and they lack the know-how on where or how to start and do not understand the hidden complexities behind building a business.
Category 3 Launchers are in the early stages of launching their business. They’re gaining ground but are also scrambling to keep all the plates of innovation and demands of the business spinning and are greatly challenged or consumed with keeping up with administrative challenges. As their business grows, they cannot scale accordingly because their business was not built to accommodate for growth.
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